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Test Suites management
A test suite is just like a list of tests reunited under one execution status. Test suites result in job sets, i.e. every run of that test suite.
Test suites are created from the project page or from the main sidebar menu (on the left of the screen), by accessing “Test suites”. You can not create independent tests, all tests must belong to a test suite.
On the “Test suites” page you will find all the test suites you created. Click on any test suite to go to the individual page of that test suite.
The Test Suite page
The page of a specific test suite is divided into header and content. The header contains details: your project’s icon, project and test suite names and 5 buttons:
- Add tests: the main entry point for creating a new test
- Run tests will open the settings for running test (see the running tests section)
- Edit opens a dialog box for editing the name and description of the test suite
- Clone clones the test suite into a new one, complete with all existing tests and hooks
- Remove deletes the test suite
Under the buttons, you have 4 tabs:
- Dashboard contains general information about the test suite, with charts summarising the number of tests and minutes run over a period of time, as well as charts containing information about the slowest pages and slowest AJAX requests from child tests
- Tests a list of tests belonging to the selected test suite
- Running history: a list of all the job sets that have run so far, along with their status. These are presented in the order of their last run, from most recent to most old.
- Smart runs: a list of smart runs for the selected test suite