In a world where teams are releasing product updates faster than ever before, new challenges have appeared. Quality assurance...
Quality automation for everyone
Resources for modern test automation
Data driven testing increases your test coverage by loading external data into your tests
In testing automation, there are often cases where you might have multiple data sets for which you want to run the same tests to...
Visual testing – compare screenshots from automated tests
Visual testing is becoming more and more important everyday. Each and every time you release a new version of your application,...
Web page testing – 5 BIG perks you get from automation
It is absolutely amazing what a difference automation makes. Not only for web page testing, but taking mundane tasks from people...
How important is it to protect my app during times of crisis? A software monitoring manifesto for the COVID-19 lockdown
Hospitals around the world are now monitoring patients. For mild cases of COVID-19, the patient gets a daily phone or video...